She might have a path to citizenship in an ancestral home, if she does you might be able to go with her as you plan to get married.
She might have a path to citizenship in an ancestral home, if she does you might be able to go with her as you plan to get married.
I don’t think you actually need a passport to seek asylum in another country, it just makes the process smoother. If course you’d need one to use an airport, so you’d need to pick a country you can drive/walk to if you don’t have connections.
Of course that’s for refugee status, which i personally say most Americans should be entitled to even before the new nazi party took over but others countries might not agree yet.
Most of the other responsible will be dead by then. I’d much prefer they see their mistakes (⇀ ↼‶)
I’m impressed lemmy is finally popular enough for Russia to direct some of it’s troll farms this way
Very unimportant, but very funny and if it pisses Elon off it’s worth the time it took to type it.
It’s wild that he thinks they’ll get anything from Ukraine if Russia gets their way.
Have you tried ignoring your problems until they go away?
Yes, it’s blatantly illegal, but so is literally everything else right now
We support girlboyfriends and boygirlfriends here! 🩷
Procedural generation is fine, especially in system heavy games
What about the Girlboyfriend
God i wish Christians were as persecuted as they wanted to be. It’d probably stop a lot of things from getting worse.
Man, Google really doesn’t think anything through.
It is! These places are insanely costly, but that’s secondary to what they do to people, imo. If you grow up here at a base level you will not have the full breadth of human experience; you’ll probably never experience real community, you’ll never experience other cultures or people (not even nationalities, you’ll never even experience separate cliques or niches), you’ll never have economic mobility (although that’s rare regardless), you’re basic services will always be in question. The list could continue on and on with various economic or humanitarian problems, and i don’t even have that much experience to compare it to.
Ultimately it makes lesser people. paranoid, self obsessed, isolationist, violent, or addicted people. it’s no coincidence that Republicans only really dominate in rural places.
Nah, those towns should be reclaimed in their entirety by the state and the people forcibly relocated to real cities. I live in one of these places, i can attest to the horrible effect they have on people, they should not be allowed to continue existing outside of strictly necessary farming towns.
It is pretty wild. The alphabet agencies are generally built on American chauvinism above everything, you’d think they would realize that Trump is going to be the final nail in the coffin of the American empire. Just not in the healthy way many people hoped for.
Not even a corporate stooge, the in charge is just an idiot!