The method they use in the show, with a heated iron rod, reminds me of a mulling iron (also known as a loggerhead). They were iron rods that were heated up to red hot and then plunged into a tankard or other vessel of your drink (cider if you are mulling, beer/rum mixed drinks if you are making a “flip”). The hot iron leads to complex chemical reactions that are catalyzed using the heat, including caramelizing via the Maillard reaction, leading to a much more complex flavor.
Re: Raclette Cheese.
The cut side of a half wheel of the Swiss cheese is heated in a special heater.
Meanwhile ordered fixings are cooked and placed in a hot cast iron plate or pan in front of the diner.
zabadoh confessed
That is a lot of cheese. I love cheese, but wow.
The method they use in the show, with a heated iron rod, reminds me of a mulling iron (also known as a loggerhead). They were iron rods that were heated up to red hot and then plunged into a tankard or other vessel of your drink (cider if you are mulling, beer/rum mixed drinks if you are making a “flip”). The hot iron leads to complex chemical reactions that are catalyzed using the heat, including caramelizing via the Maillard reaction, leading to a much more complex flavor.
Found an article.