• wjs018OPM
    8 months ago

    Cute episode this week heavily featuring Maomao adorableness. Both her and the Maou are pretty fun together. I think this sequence was my favorite part of the episode. The parts where the princess is being tortured are starting to feel more and more repetitive.

    The final arc of the episode was another rescue attempt by the brave White Knight. His loyalty is admirable after what the princess did to him last time. We never did see what happened to him after he gets whacked by the princess this episode. I suspect he is likely still alive and will be back at some point to help break up the torturing cycle. Also, how did Ex sleep through that whole sequence (plus he seems to snore a bit)?

    I have never tried this kind of cheese that you melt/grill and then scrape off the wheel. Anybody out there try it that want to provide an opinion?

  • zabadoh
    8 months ago

    Re: Raclette Cheese.

    The cut side of a half wheel of the Swiss cheese is heated in a special heater.

    Meanwhile ordered fixings are cooked and placed in a hot cast iron plate or pan in front of the diner.

    Then… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6C8SWepEbg&t=105s

    zabadoh confessed

    • wjs018OPM
      8 months ago

      That is a lot of cheese. I love cheese, but wow.

      The method they use in the show, with a heated iron rod, reminds me of a mulling iron (also known as a loggerhead). They were iron rods that were heated up to red hot and then plunged into a tankard or other vessel of your drink (cider if you are mulling, beer/rum mixed drinks if you are making a “flip”). The hot iron leads to complex chemical reactions that are catalyzed using the heat, including caramelizing via the Maillard reaction, leading to a much more complex flavor.

      Found an article.