It might be a cliche, a character archetype, a trope, a setting, a theme, anything. Which are the ones that make you enjoy the work more? Which are the ones that you hate to see? And which are the ones who you’d be fine with, if not so overused?

  • wjs018
    11 months ago

    the better isekai do talk about both worlds

    This is my pet peeve in a lot of isekai. What is the point of making it an isekai if you completely ignore the previous world/person before the isekai-ening? It is just a fantasy with extra steps. Will I stop reading and/or watching them…maybe someday.

    Edit: Just wanted to comment on TEIS. I think the satirical elements come through much clearer in the manga and LN versions of the story. The anime does get better about getting a feel for the humor as it goes, especially season 2, but a lot of the humor comes from Cid’s internal monologue, which is heavily reduced in the anime adaptation.