• RottcoddOP
    6 months ago

    I’m pleased that someone got that.

    Every time I post a chapter of this, I think I should post some sort of explanation to go with it. The Mangadex description leans on the fanservice, of which there is a fair amount, at least early on. And at first glance, aside from the fanservice, it seems to be goofball SOL - just another of the many about an inexplicably beautiful woman with some endearingly awkward personality quirks.

    But that’s all just surface detail. Underneath that, what it’s really about is social anxiety and depression, and it’s impressively realistic and heartfelt - easily one of the most accurate and compelling depictions of it I think I’ve ever seen.

    And yeah - that makes it sort of relentless - you keep expecting some turning point leading to a new chapter in her life, and there isn’t one. There’s little glimmers here and there, but they can’t manage to take root.

    But somehow that’s not unnatural. It doesn’t come across as contrived misery porn - as if it’s just a mangaka torturing a protagonist - I guess because the look inside her mind is so heartfelt and detailed that we can see how and why she keeps falling back in that hole, and can’t really blame her. All we can do is sympathize. And hope.