• wjs018M
    6 months ago

    And just like that, it is all over. I can’t say that I am thrilled with how it ended. However, in a weird way, I am not too upset about it either. It would almost feel weirder if there was a winner of some sort. Through all these chapters, I never really got the feeling that Daisuke ever favored any one girl over another, so this doesn’t really feel that off to me. I would have liked some more closure to the story rather than an implied continuation of harem hijinx, but so be it.

    I will certainly be sure to try and keep track of what the author does next. They have two series to their name so far and both of them have been excellent, silly, SOL that fit perfectly with my sense of humor. I will really miss this series as it was always a nice and digestible chuckle I could count on each week.

    • RottcoddOP
      6 months ago

      Yeah - it’s fine - good actually - that he didn’t pick anyone. And it does make sense in context - as you say, Daisuke never even implied that he liked any one of them more or less than any other.

      And I agree - I think what disappointed me is that even with that really impressive idea of a gigantic white day cake for them all to share, there was no real closure. There were still too many mixed messages and Daisuke still being sort of wishy-washy and imprecise. I guess he did manage to get out the broad concept but he stumbled around it too much for it to be really satisfying - to really feel like a fitting end.

      Maybe we’ll get something to really wrap it all up in an omake when the volume comes out.