
This is an anime original series, so no spoiler concerns for this show. Spoiler rules still apply if you are talking about other series.

Previous Episodes:

  • wjs018OPM
    8 months ago

    Rouge and I are both confused about what is going on.

    Look, I am not really going to invest too much effort into trying to make sense of this story. I can’t tell if the show isn’t trying to make a coherent story or if it is trying way too hard. Either way, I am not really connecting with it. I am viewing this show more as a concept show. Throw some cool character designs into a cool setting and animate some great action and then have just enough of a skeleton of a story to string it together. With that in mind here are some quick thoughts…

    • It was nice to see Rouge and Naomi kind of make up to start the episode. I still felt like Naomi really stepped out of line (and out of character) with her calling Rouge a piece of equipment last episode.
    • For the past couple episodes, I kept thinking to myself that I recognized the Nean assistant to that detective guy, and I finally broke down this week and looked up the voice actor. Turns out it is Chiaki Kobayashi and I recognized him from also voicing Stark in Frieren.
    • At the risk of trying to follow the story, I think the dream sequence is showing previous members of the Immortal Nine (iirc). These must be the source of the other cores that Rouge’s brother had in that space station.
    • There were some rough, sudden cuts this episode. Not sure if it was intentional.
    • Still no idea what is up with this circus. It was teased last episode and this episode. So, hopefully next episode we learn more about Chekhov’s circus.
    • There is definitely more to Naomi than meets the eye or else she would be mincemeat right now.
    • No chocolate for Rouge this episode. I decided to eat a chocolate bar in her place. This one is for you Rouge!