The Fable, episode 1

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    10 months ago

    Honestly it took a lot to even get through the episode - it was just so boring. The animation has some major issues, including the action being a bit hard to follow at times. The main character’s voice actor appears to be giving us nothing (it looks like he’s done a lot of voice acting work before, so I have to assume it’s the direction he’s being given). Over the full episode almost nothing even happens. It looks like the manga is reasonably popular, so maybe I’ll take a peak at that, but I feel bad for the fans.


  • zabadoh
    10 months ago

    This was a setup episode, establishing that our MC is an instinctive trained assassin, speaks 5 Japanese regional accents flawlessly, trained to kill anyone within 6 seconds, but he’s being sent into the worst possible situation for him: He has to lay low and live as a normal person for a year in the unfamiliar city of Osaka without killing anyone, or he himself will be killed by the boss who sent him there.

    His body and voice just yell Yakuza/criminal with his slick, near pompadour hair, gravelly deliberate voice, and soulless eyes.

    Of course, before he even reaches Osaka, he gets into trouble…

    If this was setup for a dark comedy, I would have expected something like a gag manga, e.g. Way Of The House Husband, but the action and direction are all done seriously, so it feels like it could also turn into a suspense “how does he get out of this” show, like My Home Hero.

    There are a couple of moments that break up the seriousness with our MC’s comedic quirks that lead me to believe it won’t be entirely serious.

    Obviously I’m not familiar with the source material, so I’ll have to watch a couple more episodes to see how it develops.

    I think it’s interesting so far…