• RottcoddOP
    4 months ago

    It’s doubly a shame too, since it could’ve been done pretty well.

    Having Reona step in to handle the beatdown is actually a pretty good idea, since she’s been shown to be at worst only barely short of Kazuhana in ability, and she’s been so eager for an opportunity to prove herself, so it’s pretty much a perfect chance for her. And with a bit of narrative framing, that could’ve been made satisfying. But instead it just came out of nowhere.

    And yeah - it really looked like they were setting up an opportunity for the stuco prez to shine, then just missed it entirely.

    There’s another unfortunate missed opportunity in the chapter too, and again it seems as if the author went out of his way to introduce it, then just didn’t do anything with it - Kazuhana’s mom showing up just in time to hear those guys say the dojo is a yakuza front. There then should’ve been a scene of her confronting them. That would’ve been the final indignity - even getting dominated by, or better yet getting their asses whooped by, Kazuhana’s mom.

    Broadly, I wonder what the deal is with this manga. It’s not just that it’s gotten lazy, which would almost be better. Instead it’s almost as if the author is trying and is setting up something interesting, then suddenly switches to lazy right at the last moment. Instead of just not going anywhere, it looks for all the world like it’s going to… then doesn’t.