• Rottcodd
    1 month ago


    It strikes me that in a lot of ways, Hiiragi is the one who understands Komori the least The others, and especially the girls, just blithely accept that she’s a witch, so has a different view of the world and different ways of doing things and thinking about things. So they go ahead and credit her with good intentions, even when they can’t make sense of her.

    He’s the only one who insists on interpreting what she says and does in a normal human context, then assigning her uncaring or even hurtful motivations when what she says and does doesn’t match up to his expectations.

    I know it’s just his own ignorance snd insecurity, but it still pisses me off sometimes.

    On another note, Uruchika even went to university?

    In spite of her posture of opposing Komori’s desire for a normal life and her pose of seeming disdain for it, I think we’re discovering that she actually fully understands it, and that she at least was and likely still is much the same. And that neatly ties in with things like her going to the athletic festival to support Komori - underneath that gruff and uncaring mask, she understands and sympathizes.

    • wjs018OPM
      1 month ago

      Yeah, this is a pretty dense protagonist move for sure.

      Also, totally agreed with your thoughts on Uruchika. She is turning out to be a great mentor to and supporter of Komori. It reminds me that we haven’t actually seen the witch that was supposed to be the master of Komori in a long time. She has kind of been replaced by Uruchika and I fully welcome it.