Huh? Wasn’t she the one that moved out of the country?
I can’t go back and check right now, but iirc, she left after he didn’t want to commit to their relationship.
Hmm, idk. Looking at chapters 49 and 50, they had plans to go overseas. He says he chickened out and couldn’t do it, because he couldn’t leave Mitsuki behind. That’s when they broke up and she went alone.
This doesn’t seem like not wanting to commit to their relationship, but rather not wanting to leave everything else behind to make it big abroad.
Having reread those chapters, I don’t think it’s entirely fair of Kanna to fully put this on Joe. This ‘pretend family’, as she calls it, would not have been a thing at all, not with Mitsuki, had both of them gone overseas.
I agree, sure they could have become a family if she would not have moved abroad or if he could have moved with her, so if anything the blame is 50/50. But in general it’s just live, you make decisions that are hard but seem right at the time and I think it’s not really helpful to blame yourself or others afterwards with "could have"s.
Yeah, it’s harsh, I agree. I do think that from her perspective she could see that sequence of events as the sign that he wasn’t as committed as she was. Hanging out with Mitsuki is likely dragging up those old feelings from when they broke up.
Thanks for the chapter reference, I was able to go back and find it real quick.
he wasn’t as committed as she was.
At the very least not committed enough to move abroad. But I suppose you could turn that around as well: she wasn’t committed enough to stay. He put his family first, she her dreams. Either one is understandable.
Hanging out with Mitsuki is likely dragging up those old feelings from when they broke up.
Yeah probably, hopefully they can work it out so neither has regrets.
Cheers to getting through another week indeed, y’all.
Haha, this series is a nice little gift each Sunday.