• 492 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • They should:

    As long as we Communists are unable to take over state power and hold elections, with working people alone voting for their Soviets against the bourgeoisie; as long as the bourgeoisie exercise state power and call upon the different classes of the population to take part in the elections, we are in duty bound to take part in the elections with the purpose of conducting agitation among all working people, not only among proletarians. Lenin

    It’s the most pragmatic way to continue the agitation. If Trump wins, it will become more difficult for socialists to gain entry into government.

  • I can’t comprehend your comments. I have demonstrated, with sources, the relationship between capitalism and policing, repeatedly. You refuse to acknowledge that relationship, responding with, “but police are friends.” Feelings aren’t an appropriate defense of the purpose and existence of an apparatus of the state, despite the friendly policeman down the street.

  • To anyone that doesn’t have an agenda, there’s nothing at all inconsistent with anything I’ve said.

    So, if I have an agenda, your statements are inconsistent?

    And then going so far out of your way to defend those of you that suggest no one vote against Trump… Well, now that is what I’d call inconsistent.

    Just making ish up. I have never said that. I have advocated for everyone to vote, or not vote, based on their personal self interests.

    Call me what you deny

    This. What does this mean? What have I called you? What am I denying? Is this some colloquial cant that eludes me?