• wjs018OPM
    8 months ago

    I just want to say up front, that it took a lot of willpower not to choose the screenshot of Rouge kicking the hell out of a dog as the lead image:

    However, I thought that having that be the lead image might spoil the unexpectedness of that moment if people hadn’t seen it yet.

    Like last week, I remain confused as hell as to what is happening in this story. So, here are some random running thoughts I had as I absorbed the audiovisual experience of Metallic Rouge:

    • Oh! It’s the guy with the cards from all the way back in episode 1. It must be his turn to have a fight with Rouge this episode.
    • So, he can change his appearance. I vaguely remember that from the first episode when he changed his appearance to be Rouge’s red suit. I think…I don’t know…Maybe?
    • So, our leading ladies are leaving Mars. Goodbye Carole and Tuesday!
    • Something about secret missions…idk
    • I liked the swimsuit looks for the girls. However, I really liked the visuals of the Earth and Moon in the background through the water of the pool:

    • It’s a murder mystery and our friendly, neighborhood detectives are on the case…I think…it seems like it’s really Naomi and Rouge that get things sorted once they decide to get involved.
    • Rouge kicking that dog cracked me the hell up. Unfortunately, I think it means that the real dog was probably killed. RIP Rubens. I had a chocolate bar in your memory this episode.
    • Oh, would you look at that, it’s time for Rouge to fight doppelganger guy. They really skipped right by the decompression of the ship as he cut a giant hole out of the window. I guess it wasn’t important…they just wanted to have the aesthetic of the space fight.
    • If sci-fi has taught me anything, somebody drifting off into space guarantees that they will be back at some point.
    • Naomi pretty obviously playing up the arrest of Rouge at the end as a ploy to get out. I’m going to let her cook.