• MentalEdge
    8 months ago

    Someone please keep that fanatic away from Nei!

    And I’m not too sure this was welcome either, but I loved it anyway:

    And as hilarious as it is that Yacchi is obsessed with her sister, her treatment of her in unforgivable. That she’s the only Azuma who genuinely cares about her doesn’t mean shit if she won’t act like it.

    But damn, I do love a girl who lifts.

    And it’s absolutely hilarious that the anime tripled the amount of weights on her bars from slightly unrealistic to literally impossible.

    This episode also has a weird amount of padding. For example, in the manga, the whole post-battle scene is done in a couple pages, they don’t go back to the barracks, and Yuuki is even still in his slave form.

    This seems like pointless extra work to stretch out the already plentiful source material.

    Manga panels

    And man, another character I feel like I have to look at through a low-quality filter. Like everyone, Tenka’s design just has more oomph in the manga.

    Tenka panels

  • wjs018OPM
    8 months ago

    We finally got to see Tenka do her thing this episode. Which, as far as abilities go, essentially creating black holes at will is a pretty good one. Unfortunately, it seems as though the big bad got away this episode due to a last second intervention by a fellow humanoid shuuki. Getting back to the Tenka topic, she seems super interested in Yuuki. She gave him a smirk as she was leaving their hq, randomly portaled into his room as he was asleep, and then ends the episode asking for custody of him from Kyouka. We will see where that goes next episode.

    As for our brave, horny MC he had a pretty laid back episode this week. Things started off with the reward that was promised last week. This led me to almost pick this image as the screenshot for this discussion post:

    Yes, Yuuki. Yes you do.

    Overall, I am still enjoying the show. I am starting to wonder how things are going to wrap up though. We are 7/12 episodes in and I feel like we have only scratched the surface of the plot. There are tons of other Anti-Demon Corps members out there (the Supreme Commander being one of them mentioned this episode) that we haven’t met as well as the “eight people” that the humanoids mention near the end of the episode. I know the manga is still publishing and there is a lot of it out there, so I don’t expect anything approaching a conclusion. However, I have yet to see what the event might be that will end the season on a bang. Perhaps Yuuki/Kyouka confronting Aoba/Unihorn?

    • MentalEdge
      8 months ago

      I honestly don’t see a way for the anime to really get into the meat of the series within the episodes remaining, so here’s hoping it keeps going.

  • Lvxferre
    8 months ago

    Our boy living the dream~ and the girls rationalising it! “No, it’s like bathing a dog” yeah sure…

    His reaction to entering Yachiho’s room, full of Himari’s portraits, was fucking hilarious. (I’d probably do the same.)

    Sahara’s top ability: to sleep like a cat. A sonambulous one.